JSS Device Intel8008 CPU
This device simulates an Intel 8008 CPU. The real CPU has an interrupt signal. When this is asserted, an instruction can be forced onto the data bus to be executed by the CPU (for example a jump to an interrupt handling routine). The simulated CPU employs for this purpose the data associated with a signal on the simulated Control BUS (see the ControlBusBasic for example).
- breakpoints - Address list (comma separated) for breakpoints. When a breakpoint is reached, the simulation will be automatically paused.
Device Connections
- attachToDataBus - Allows attaching to a data bus for accessing data or controlling the data bus.
- attachToControlBus - Allows attaching to a control bus for sending and reading signals, with associated data.
Control BUS signals
- INT - If set to "1", indicates an interrupt. Data associated with this signal is used as the next instruction to be executed.
https://github.com/ComputingMongoose/JavaSystemSimulator/blob/main/src/jss/devices/cpu/impl/Intel8008.javaExample configuration