About this Web Site

This website is dedicated to my various projects, especially the Java System Simulator project. In addition, it contains information and project notes that I considered to be relevant during my work. I feel that simulating old computer systems is a way to understand the history of computers and to revive old ideas and software. Sometimes not all that is old is also obsolete. Certain old ideas may come to life again under a new technological approach. In an era of almost daily Windows automatic updates it may be worth investigating how old computers could run without a single update. It's also interesting to see how kilobytes of memory lead to highly optimized code, while today's gigabytes of memory perhaps contribute towards slow and sloppy-written programs.

Java System Simulator

This project dedicated to simulating old computers. The simulator is written in Java. For certain devices, images are used to re-create part of the look and feel of the old hardware. Currently, it is possible to execute ROMs from Intellec systems, with different processors, and run CP/M (possibly other systems as well). By combining different CPUs and memory options, it should be possible to simulate other systems as well.

GitHub of the JavaSystemSimulator
GitHub with different simulations

My Youtube Channel

The Youtube Channel covers some of the topics from this website and presents hands-on experience with hardware and software. It also features different simulations created using the Java System Simulator project. Don't forget to check it out and subscribe.
